On February 4th, BlueBrain announced that it received the CompTIA Managed Print Trustmark™. On top of the satisfaction to see one of our members recognized, we decided to interview Roman Roj, vice-president of BlueBrain. Roman shares this experience with the IMPSGA’s community – and we think it should be of interest to you as well!
- No hesitation to have: CompTIA is THE certification BlueBrain needed
On the IT and document management markets, as in every sector, many certificates, trustmarks or quality references coexist. When you want to boost your activity with a rubber stamp approval, you have to choose the right one, to avoid spending time and energy on a less relevant one. Roman and the BlueBrain management did not hesitate: “CompTIA is well known all over the world and is independent: it was exactly what we were looking for. In our business, MPS and computing, CompTIA is like an ISO mark in other sectors.”
- Yes, it is a lot of work. But it is certainly worth it
From preparation to certification, CompTIA Trustmark is more or less a 4 to 6 months-long project. You need to review, prepare and compile all the proofs CompTIA asks for: the whole company must be involved. “It is not easy to have it: it represents the best practice on the market, and you understand why.” Furthermore, the extra sum of work required to obtain it is balanced by an improvement of the internal knowledge on the company business.
- First in Poland to have it: a great way to make the difference
“BlueBrain wanted to make the difference on MPS market and all its range of services: CompTIA Trustmark is clearly a benefit for our business.” Obviously, this kind of certification is business-oriented, and dedicated to a marketing strategy: to be more visible from the purchasers, to be more reliable as a provider. Another application: MPS certified – like CompTIA labelled companies – will probably help BlueBrain in working with the public sector customers.
- A 100% IMPSGA compliant Trustmark
Last but not least , Roman is very clear when he states : “Our certificate is totally in line with the IMPSGA’s charter: share best practice and bring clarity about MPS.” CompTIA provides a lot of knowledge to all its labelled companies, which can reuse it for their own businesses and share it with the Alliance: a kind of virtuous circle of the information.